Artists UK - prints posters and books

An Interview with Josh Kirby

Conducted by Keith Savory of Artists UK on 2nd April 2001


KS. What was the first thing you remember ever drawing or painting?
JK. A butterfly in junior school at the age of about seven.

KS. What do you think you would have been if not a painter?
JK. No idea, I don't think there was an alternative. I decided very early to be a painter.

KS. The first Discworld painting was in watercolour. Why did you decide to do the rest in oils rather than watercolour?
JK. I always worked in oils and the first Discworld painting (Colour of Magic) was done in watercolours because I happened to have a very good piece of watercolour board at the time and I wanted to use it. It was of the old-fashioned sort that then went out of production (Whatman watercolour board) and it seemed a shame to use it for an oil painting.

KS. The Discworld paintings all vary in shape rather than being one standard shape why is that?
JK. The shape of a hardback or paperback cover vary and I've had to do something to allow for the cropping of the image in different ways according to the type of book it was going on.

KS. If you could be commissioned to do the cover for any fantasy book ever written what would you most like it to be?
JK. I prefer to paint my own subjects so any other subject is secondary to that.

KS. What do you think of the new breed of artists who manipulate images on computer?
JK. I don't know anything about them.

KS. Who do you think are the most promising new talents to have emerged in the art world in the last ten years?
JK. I live away from the mainstream of art and therefore don't have a great deal of contact with what other artists are doing.

KS. How did the idea for Voyage of the Ayeguy come about?
JK. It came about because it is traditional subject matter from Renaissance times and carrying on today. They painted altar pieces and frescos commissioned by the church. It was one of the main occupations of painters in the early days. Bruegel and Bosch embodied that tradition and it appealed particularly to me and I wanted to follow that tradition.

KS. Who do you think have been the most innovative and influential fantasy artists of all time?
JK. Bruegel and Bosch.

KS. What is your favourite colour?
JK. I don't have one.

KS. What made you decide on the incredible floor-level perspective for the cover of Small Gods?
JK. I just do angles that seem to make a striking picture. I work by intuition and it's a different level of thought to intellectual thought.

KS. What advice would you give to young artists who want to become really top-class in their artistic achievements?
JK. Learn to draw. They have to draw everything that is around them and become proficient in drawing the world around them.


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